Friday, June 25, 2010

Muah exam results. x(

Here it goes, my exam results. AHHH~! Its kinda sucky....

BM- 69 B ( 3rd highest)x(
BI-83 A ( 2nd highest)
BC- 78% (highest in class o.O)
Sejarah- 80 A =))))
Geography- 72 B x(
KH- 63 C x((((((((((((((((
Science- 80 A ^.^
Maths-95( like duh)

I'm number 4 in class. T_T

1 comment:

x.l. said...

ya lo. wont get top 5 thats why get number 4 ma. HoW CYNICAL.

u hor, too last minute study la. fridat saturday dont wan belajar. sunday ni wan cram! so u not enuff time, so u sleep late evryday. so u not enuff sleep, come back rumah terus tido. then at nite only study. at nite got little time nia, so burn night oil, stay up late again. the cycle continue. this method wont work wan. u gota sleep earlier so u wont sleep in afternoon and use that time to study. half hour nap can la. but make sure u actually wake in half an hour. yayaya i know u can blast me with ur freaging high science, math, history marks. but really sleep earlier!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!