Whee, watched Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest with AhJie on Tv3.
Then, we watched Pirates of the Caribbean 1 and 3 CD which we bought in Bali like 3 YEARS AGO. xD
These movie damn nice.
It's funny, It's exciting, It's meaningful, It has lots and lots of adventure, and of course, It has romance.
Btw, the picture up there is Johnny Depp who act as Jack Sparrow in the movie.
Johnny Depp also act as Mad Hatter in ALICE IN WONDERLAND.
P.S I'm not saying Azwan in 1 Hidrogen . xD
Jack Sparrow was weird and funny.
I think you may understand what I'm trying to say by the picture up there. xD
Oh btw, Will and Elizabeth is a nice couple.
Will's sorta brave and Elizabeth's damn stubborn!
''STUBBORN PEOPLE ONI GOT STORY MAHH. '' said Woo Xiangling. -,-
BUT, they could only meet once in 10 years.
AWW, kesian like hell.
Attention, boys and girls or whateva.
There'll be Pirates of the Caribbean 4 next year BOOOOOOOOOYEAHHHHHHHHH
BUT, Elizabeth and Will won't be in the story T_T
Ah nvm, if there is Jack Sparrow da movie will be nice.
Because, Jack Sparrow's in love, olalala~
Hokay, bye, Elizabeth and Will, it was a pleasure meeting you(?)
15 more hours till Harry Potter in Tropicana City.
Yo Ho, Yo Ho,
Never shall we die.
yes only stubborn people have stories to tell. go observe and see la
ya lah ya lah, you very smart lah, the future psychiatric. So, you got a lot of stories lah, if i become director i ask you become the actor ah ;p
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