Wednesday, April 13, 2011

4 of them, stick together like glue.



记住,我爱臭爱彬。 XD

I don't need people to fill up this empty heart,
because I fear people.


x.l. said...

there is a reason for everything.

and that goes for the crappiness of this little lives of ours.

live is about change. Growth. Development.

whether to change for the better or worse, that is the choice we make.

how do we learn if we dont make mistakes?

how do we rise if we don't fall first?

how do we learn to solve problems if we do not face them?

how do we make the right choices if we dont even try to make a choice?

with hardship comes ease.

remember that!

x.l. said...

People are just like food.

Eat your favourite food, (mine's durian) and you'll be nice and happy.

That comes with finding the right poeple.

Eat too much of your favourite food, and you'll end up with obesity (or various other health complications that I do not want to go in the details of despite being a medical student)

That's being overly social. It's lethal.

Eat something you dislike,
and you might just stick out your tongue in disgust,try to swallow it with 3 glasses of water anyway(you don't wanna make a scene, your bf's looking), or just push it to your bf's plate.

That comes with being with the wrong people. But how you deal with it will change the outcome - whether you swallow it or push it to your bf, that is.

If there's no food that you like, and you don't eat anything,
you will go hungry, starve, and then die unless you eat something. Although that something is something you dislike.

If you don't fill an empty heart because you fear people, you will starve.

It's all about going around town, finding the stall with the right durian (musang king) and right price at the right place.

and tadaa! there you have it!

xiangjun said...

LOL. I love how you describe it like food and yeah i know you're always craving for durian.


Actually this post is writing for a friend in school that has the same problem with meh.

The four of them.

It's not that i'm trying to blame or what its just that they think that we're transparent in school, like a fatigue of imagination.

And that makes me totally extremely annoyed, the four of them stick together every day and doesn't even like try to communicate with us.

But, anyway, I'm fine now. Just trying to console that friend which is really down. She thinks that she did some sort of mistakes and their blaming her.

Panjang cerita. But anyway, thanks for the advise. Without food, i'll starve. ;P