Friday, November 4, 2011

Please Stay With Me


Final exam ish officially over. After our last paper-KH, the minute when i rushed out of the class the rain came pouring down.

Blessing from God? maybe. Spent endless time studying for finals.

Slept at 2 am and wake up at 5 am this exam season.

And what i get is a blessing from God? I don't meant to be perasan kay. And I'm not religious I'm a free-thinker.

Results are um not very good but not very bad.

I haven't clean my studying desk full of books. Even Ahba insisted me to clean it up NICELY after exam. And i've done 50% of it only. THERE ARE BOOKS EVERYWHERE EVEN ON THE FLOOR. GILA GILA GILA.

I love being messy. But I hate cleaning up. :o

Form 2 books are given back to school already. Got new form 3 books. Next year PMR, I hope I won't die.

And I found back my Geography text book YAY after a month yo.

Oh Ahjie's back home. Wanna watch a movie ehehehhe. :P

Um. That's all. I dunno what to type coz I wanna go tidur.



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