Pictures of Harry, Ron and Hermione from the 1st movie till the last movie
Harry Potter Language Mode: ON
Do you know how many times I've been saying these words at home? billions.
LAST FRIDAY*STOP THAT KATY PERRY SONG* I watch Harry Potter after school with AhJie!
THE MOVIE WAS SO AWESOMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. I cried when Fred, Lupin and Tonks were found dead. During the battle and all the killing and th
ose excited part, my heart was really thumping*although Voldy doesn't have a nose and he's shoooo uglyeh*And it was kind of emotional. The ending was so nice. :) Happy Endings <3
I love Harry Potter since idkhowlongago The first movie was 10
years ago. Harry, Ron and Hermione went through so much in their schooling years. They battled, They laughed, They cried, They fighted, and lots lots more. So, Harry Potter has teman me for about 10 years. 10 YEARS
So I've went into the world of magic for 10 years already. I kinda learn a lot from these stories. Actually I was influenced by AhJie about Harry Potter since young. And then, after reading the books and watching the movies, I was like CRAZY about it.
I admit those movies are not really interesting, they cut a lot because the story in the book is too long. ESPECIALLY THE 5TH AND 6TH MOVIE, EWWW.

But the 7 books really make you so obsess with it. It's interesting. Siriusly. x) Oh anyway. To those who doesn't know anything bout HP. Let me tell ya. It starts with a boy named Harry Potter who was the first to survive the Avada Kedavra spell from
VOLDERMORT. He thought he was just an ordinary boy but actually he was a wizard. According to a prophecy, Harry is the only one in the world who can stops the most evil wizard in the magic world-Voldemort. So he has been trying to kill Voldemort in the last movie.
The graphics are really nice.
The best friends-Harry, Hermione and Ron. They always protect each other. :)
Tom Riddle as known as Voldemort or You-Know-Who. SEE, HE DOESN'T HAVE A NOSE!
~Neville Longbottom and Luna Lovegood~
Harry Ginny *Hey, it rhymes!*
Ron and Hermione. They liked each other for SO MANY YEARS and finally they were together at the end.YAY! PS: You can't spell heRmiONe without RON.
The COOLEST twins. But Fred died in the end. STUPID DEATH EATERS.

I really wanted to Avada Kedavra him for so many years because he was so evil. In the end, they showed that he was a two-face agent for Dumbledore and Voldy. And he actually protecting Harry for so many years for the love of Lily Potter. He was crying when he died. HE CRIED. For the first time. REST IN PEACE, THE GREATEST WIZARD IN THE WORLD-Severus Snape!
And of course, thanks to JK Rowling. Who wrote the complete series of Harry Potter. Great job!
Oh, and one more thing. Malfoy, you SUCK xD
It ends. The longest franchise in the world. Bye, HARRY POTTER! I really don't want to let HP go. But, oh,well...... No matter what, Harry Potter lives in my heart forever and ever.
1 comment:
u cannot say malfoy suck D:
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